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Through the Chakras by Savitri Simpson

Testimonials from Readers of Through the Chakras

Savitri Simpson

“Through the Chakras by Savitri Simpson is a delightful yarn of spiritual adventure, and a worthy sequel to Through Many Lives. The author, an expert on the subject of the chakras (energy centers in the body), brings that knowledge to life with a colorful tale of a truth seeker searching for ever-greater enlightenment. Her tie-in of pyramids with the chakras, and a river with the Kundalini energy, set in the story of a pilgrimage, is an excellent teaching tool, and an ingenious technique for rendering the invisible visible and the subtle more easily understandable. If you’re looking for a book that’s entertaining, inspiring, educational, and a good read, I highly recommend Through the Chakras.” —Richard Salva, author of The Yoga of Abraham Lincoln



“A recurring impression is that the book itself vibrates with light and color, often seeming to be at one with the realities it describes. Effortlessly, it took me deeper into an understanding of teachings relevant to my search for freedom in this lifetime and, at the same time, validates my belief that I can achieve my divine goal.” —Naidhruva Rush, Clarity Magazine editor, Ananda Sangha Worldwide



"This rich narrative takes the reader through the universal realities of an inner life. Playfully instructive, Through the Chakras avoids the pitfall of preaching. Even the seasoned spiritual aspirant will enjoy journeying with Sabella on her quest for wisdom, peace, and perfect joy." —Lila Devi, Assisi, Italy, author of From Bagels to Curry and founder of Spirit-in-Nature Essences



“Savitri Simpson takes us on an allegorical journey through the seven chakras, along the way providing a succinct compendium of knowledge, organized through the chakra system, but including Vedic astrology, correspondences with the Mahabharata, and a deeply integrated view rooted in long personal experience. Highly recommended reading for anyone on or considering Ananda’s Kriya yoga path, but also for anyone seeking an understanding of the chakras in the context of yogic lineage. The appendices are valuable tools in themselves.” —Anne Benvenuti, author of Spirit Unleashed: Reimagining Human-Animal Relations (nominated for the 2015 Pulitzer Prize)



“Through the Chakras should be read twice; once for enjoyment, and once for enlightenment. This book gives you a clearer and deeper understanding of things that you thought you already knew.” —Sandy Reardon, Carson City, NV, retired yoga and meditation teacher



“A skillful and fascinating transport of the reader into an entirely different realm.” —Willma Gore, Sedona, AZ, writing coach and prize-winning author of many books, including If Coyote Smiles



“The author’s world view is wide and historical. This peaceful, gentle book contains information about all the energy centers, the yugas, and is full of the best of the old Hindu teachings. And it is very easy reading!  I see the pyramids along the Nile, watch the sunrise on a tropic isle, trying to remember all the while, I was here before.” —Bob Frank, acclaimed song-writer/musician, El Sobrante, CA



“Savitri Simpson takes you along as an observer of her heroine Sabella’s extraordinary journey, a journey which no chronicler could conjure into words with such alacrity had she not experienced for herself the realization of the inner quest that she describes. Through the Chakras spills information and imagery alike into your imagination in a manner that a more prosaic guide to the chakras, or to the spiritual path in general, cannot do. You’ll want to experience the journey yourself, and indeed it can serve as the ultimate map for your inner quest: a map that says someone has been there before you, someone who not only chooses to tell the tale, but tells it in such an enticing manner for those who may follow.” —Elizabeth Davenport, spiritual leader, University of Chicago  



“Through the Chakras is delightful, mystical, and thoroughly enjoyable. A compelling adventure story, it is filled with deep teachings and playfulness, too.”  —Becca Pronchick, Napa, CA, Permission to Relax Center, Certified Co-Active Coach, and EFT Master Trainer.



“In this uplifting novel, Sabella, the protagonist, undertakes a series of initiations in seven pyramids and thereby experiences all the qualities of the seven chakras, along with their corresponding sounds, colors, gemstones, and qualities. Along the way, she has exciting adventures, fearful challenges, and mystical visions. We learn not only about the chakras but also about many other spiritual realities and teachings, including the Mahabharata, India’s classic epic, and the yugas, 24,000-year cycles of time.  Delightful characters abound, such as big, booming Bhima, guardian of the heart chakra, and little ego Sabella, who wants more and more. As Sabella is taught through her initiations and conversations with mentors, we learn about many important spiritual realities, while enjoying the humor and suspense of her journey. Nayaswami Savitri Simpson, is to be commended for her vivid imagination and deep spirituality. —Bunny Paine-Clemes, Ph.D., Professor of Transpersonal Studies, Atlantic University, author of Creative Synergy.



“A completely engrossing novel—I had trouble putting it down. The many joyful and creative touches made me laugh often, and I learned a tremendous amount that I did not know about the chakras. The images are really staying with me! Not only that, but it’s changing how I think about my practice of Kriya Yoga. I’m planning to reread it soon, to absorb more of its deeper teachings.” —Mukti Deranja, Nevada City, CA



“Nayaswami Savitri has gathered spiritual insights from near and far—sometimes from places very tricky to get to—then shared them beautifully. The story format lends enthusiasm and familiarity to our inner journey, allowing us to clearly visualize its stages, while remaining in loving communication with the Divine. These teachings go straight to the heart, where they can be deeply absorbed. Intricate profundities are made to seem like child’s play. Ancient wisdom is offered and put into order—to be intuited at first and then gradually added to our permanent storehouse of sacred experiences. The author has done a great service for truth-seekers of this day and age.”  —Sharon Anderson, La Vergne, TN



“Through the Chakras is making me look at my chakras in a whole other way. I never gave them much attention before. Now, I'm starting to see how helpful it is to be aware of, understand, and work with them. Thank you for an entertaining and insightful immersion into the fascinating realm of the chakras.” —Jagrav Quinn., Nevada City, CA



“Nayaswami Savitri’s novels are magnificent in how they reveal both human and divine love, down through the ages. Her writing has a very trustworthy quality, and Through the Chakras reads along quite nicely. You can feel how carefully all of it has been researched, thought through, and meditated on. This novel is full of inspiration for all meditating yogis, encouraging them to put more effort into their spiritual practices.” —Prakash Van Cleave, Nevada City, CA



“Through the Chakras is really sweet, what to speak of being a wonderful presentation of the deeper teachings of yoga. It imparts inspiration and the desire to know and experience more about the chakras. Savitri clearly had so much fun writing it!” —Maria McSweeney, Nevada City, CA



“The novel is an interesting interweaving of humor, personification, and fantasy, plus it offers deep wisdom about the chakras and spiritual evolution.” —Punita Greenberg, Grass Valley, CA



“This is an amazing book! Nayaswami Savitri’s storytelling talents are once again brilliantly displayed in her second novel. I thought I knew all about the chakras, but I discovered that there is so much more to know and experience. A large store of both basic and more obscure chakra information is shared by means of a light-hearted tale.” —J.A. Simpson., Nevada City, CA



“Such clear and simple communication of spiritual principles. Delightfully written.” —Marcela Ries, Ukiah, CA



“I just finished reading Savitri’s new book, Through the Chakras: A Tale of Adventure in the Seven Golden Pyramids.” What a delight! It was way more than what I had expected: a joyful novel, yes, but what a perfectly ‘absorbable’ vehicle for the teachings of Yogananda’s path. I felt like saying, ‘Savitri, for this moment were you born!’ There were a great many things I hadn’t heard before; and what I had heard, she presented in a much clearer way. All this to say, ‘Do read it; it’s a treat!’” —Nayaswami Dambara, Portland, OR



“This book is a real masterpiece! I am a slow reader and like to go back and re-read things to absorb them. It feels like a master-class on the chakras, brought to life with amazing characters and sprinkled with aspects of the yogic sciences, making it a real joy to read. So well done, including all the reference material in the back of the book.” —Mark Beach, Kekaha, HI, yoga and meditation teacher, author of In Search of Samadhi



“Through The Chakras is wonderfully written, articulating with such elegant clarity the many seemingly disparate symbolisms offered (especially the Gita, Ashtanga, Vedic Astrology, Ayurveda). I could barely put it down.” —Casey Hughes, Encinitas, CA, yoga and meditation teacher.



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